Tag Archives: Operation Christmas Glory

Christmas Care Packages for Our Troops Begin!

Our Packing Party was quite the success last week, and we were honored to have over 90 people come out to help us pack boxes for our troops overseas.

The final tally is still underway, but that didn’t stop us from sending out our first shipment of Christmas Care Packages today!

Combined with the help of Sandy & Donnie Wilson, we shipped out 11 care packages to troops in Afghanistan. (We are just trying to “warm-up” our postal ladies for what is coming next!)

So presenting the Military Care Package line-up:

  • Our Medical Ladies in preventative medicine were sent two women’s hygiene boxes today, equipped with bed sheets, beanie babies, and of course, a rubber duckie! This is what SPC Keala Burks had to say about a previous shipment,What y’all do is absolutely amazing. It is very true that we do not realize how important the small things are, even something like hair products. There are only three females in our unit so we love it when we get a box as opposed to the boxes we usually get that are more for males (I think sometimes people forget that there are females in the Army, ha). Even though y’all have only been at this for a year y’all are doing an amazing job. Most of us in the unit are first time deployers, and while we stay pretty busy and working hard we are having fun here.”
  •  Our Food Service Sergeant Rani Schell was sent one box of food goodies today, and the postage was sponsored by Sandy and Donnie Wilson – Thank you!  Rani had this to say about the last box we sent her: “Someone sent some sunday comics to us, that was great!!! I would like to thank all of you who have been supporting us. You have no idea how happy soldiers are when they recieve your boxes and letter. I love telling my Soldiers that someone sent me ingredients for their meals. Thank you so very much for all your support!!!!!”
  • 1SG Charles Johnsn Jr. of the Military Police Company will be digging in to a box of stationary supplies provided for by Sandy and Donnie during the back-to-school sales. They are nearing the end of their deployment, and they wanted to express their thanks: “We love each and every one of you. It is because of you we are able to do what we do. Continue to support the troops.”
  • Marine James Hainer will be sharing multiple packages with his unit, starting with the ladies. The two packages sent out today were for feminine hygiene and stationary, and he shared this comment a few months back with us: “Jenn,  just wanted to say thank you for the package you sent. It made a lot of our Female Marines happy, actually having shampoos and such more tailored to their hair styles, the guys got a few things too we took the air freshener and trail mix packs… well it’s time for me to get back to work.. Thanks so much for your support.”
  • SSG Amanda McNeil is one of our newest contacts who is sharing care packages with a composite of women from multiple branches. A previous military contact had passed on our information to her, and we are honored to continue to help our ladies on Forward Operating Base Sharana.
  • Lastly, Platoon Leader Carl Miller will be receiving a sizable shipment of hygiene, snacks, and stationary supplies for his troops, compliments of Sandy and Donnie Wilson – who went out of their way to get essential, high-quality products for the guys. I was invited to come assist the packing of the four boxes at their home, and it was a pleasure seeing how much this project has touched them. Those are some lucky guys! If you are interested in seeing them at work, check our facebook page for “likes” – they are the Thunder Monkeys.

Well, that wraps it up for today. We will be back shortly with the next shipment of care packages for our troops – it could be yours!


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If you would like to help sponsor the postage for a care package to our troops overseas, please contact:

 Jennifer Fair
c/o Operation Christmas Glory
16685 SW King Charles Ave.
King City, OR 97224


Or donate via our PayPal link on the top-right of this page. Thank you!!