Tag Archives: soldiers overseas

Military Care Packages and Paperwork

With the departure of our 100th care package to our military overseas came a realization…  This is no longer a “hobby”.

My best friend, Reneé Atkins, and I have spent this last month in preparation for developing a non-profit organization that would support our efforts…

Sending them the gift of home.

There is a need, and our troops deserve to have what we consider the basic “necessities”: Shampoo/Conditioner, Deodorant, Bodywash, Toothpaste, & Baby Wipes. 

With a majority of our military contacts located on Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) in Iraq and Afghanistan, the most requested items are those listed above because they don’t have access to a PX .  If we don’t send it, they go without.

For this reason, we see the importance in expanding our efforts.  Right now we reach over 30 contacts overseas who have access to over 1,700 troops in harm’s way. Our goal is to increase our outgoing care packages from 30/month to 300/month by the end of 2012.

Currently we are working on our Business Plan, and Incorporating for the State of Oregon. Next step, applying for 501(c)(3) status from the Federal Government. Our goal is to have official notice cleared by the 4th of July.

For more information, you can contact Jennifer at daughterbrown@gmail.com

Thank you!